Written in 1922 and 2007 respectively, ‘The Great White
Fleet,’ an advertisement by the United Fruit Company Steamship Service, and
‘Squatters take on Developments,’ a business article written by Benjamin Shores
for the Miami Herald, present conflicting views on America’s expansion into the
Caribbean over the past century. In keeping with the cultural norms of their
time, and by playing to the idiosyncrasies of their target audience-affluent
members of western society-both articles lay bear the wanton desire of
self-indulgence that has come to define the American dream. This argument is made all the more apparent when
cross-examining these texts under the lens’ of audience, context and mood.
Okay so obviously this was really good. You did well identifying what was similar and also what was different. while establishing a common theme. Also, your wording was exquisite as per usual.